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 Tools needed

- Gloves
- Ears protection
- Googles
- Rubber hammer
- Hammer
- Cutting disk
- Sanding disk
- Angle grinder
-Riveting pliers
-Multi grip pliers
- Cut pliers
- Pens
- Cutter

- papper tape
- Flat wrenches
- Hexagonal wrenches
- Flathead screwdriver
- Phillips screwdriver
- Locking pliers
- Ruler
- Tape measure
- Sandpaper (120)
- Chain tool
- Thread lock
- Hacksaw

 Required skills

Easy but not for everyone

To success with the Alleweder assembly, you have to  be fine with the basics of mechanic. You know how to drill, cut and sand aluminium. You know how to fasten rivets, assemble a rear derailler or put a chain in place. You know how to tighten screws, assemble a brake line, and mount tires...

All things will be detailled in the assembly notice, but if you are not already used with this, don't do it alone and find someone who can help.

Watch our videos to check if the job is for you ;)

Enough space to make the job

A place large enought where you can turn around the alleweder is good.
A good light and trestles to offer the best conditions.